Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Watching the light

This might sound a little masochistic (I was googling a better word but couldn't find it, so I translated exactly as if I was speaking my native language, Spanish) but the truth is that I can't stand all those sounds that are in the phones. If you get an e-mail, pling, if you get a text, plong, if you get a messenger, plang, and that goes on for every application you have, I just can't take it. So, now that you know I don't like these 'alerts', I will tell you why am I "una masoquista", instead of using this "useful sounds" I prefer to be a freak and watch my phone every so and so to see if the light is lit; If this is not masochism, I don't know how to call it. Perhaps, is just a way of avoiding a deeper damage of my crackberry addiction.

I'm sure there are other 'freaks' out there like me, that's a relief. But seriously, why would you want a constant 'alert' on your life, I mean, isn't it enough with the soundless alarms we already have.

Age alarm
Health alarm
Weight alarm
Maturity alarm
Fertility alarm
Money alarm
Economy alarm
Jobless alarm
Savings alarm
Haven't taking a vacation 4 ever alarm

and the list goes on and on. So, why add annoying sounds to the less important life alarms?

Well, I must say that I'm enjoying myself doing this, it feels like I've been a blogger before, maybe I was a messenger, a really good one ;)

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